martes, 5 de julio de 2011


Several months ago I had the idea of gathering all my family’s recipes in a cook book. A workmate gave the idea of creating a blog. With some difficulties I started my blogger experience (as I’m not such an expertise in informatics) but every day it turns more and more grateful for me.

The surprise came when I saw that I had visitors from outside Spain. I should have thought that naming my blog using the word “Cook” should attract those websurfers looking for a cook website.
So that is why I created the English version I’m going to maintain in parallel with the Spanish one. The idea is translate my recipes to English language (please, please, forget my mistakes using your language –any correction/suggestion will be very welcome-). The recipes will be the same but I’ll add some comments for a better comprehension of what I’m preparing.

“Ozemigué” is my name pronounced in funny way and I found so funny to put in front a saxon genitive with a word in the most brutish Andalusian way (Andalucía is the region at the south of Spain where I live and where I was born).

My cook recipes are a mix of the heritage of my grandmother and some “new” creations on my own. When I was student and I moved to an apartment, cooking became a need for me. But I refused the “traditional” way of eating of an Spanish student: take away pizzas, frozen food and many different kinds of junk food. Then I searched for the knowledge: I asked my grandmother and my mother any time I wanted to prepared something new. As time went by, my will to improve systematically made this need become my main hobby and the one which more satisfaction provide to me. I’ll try to be clear and concise and, of course, not to bore you!!

Some indications: The difficulty will be tagged with chef’s hats from 1 hat (very easy) to 5 hats (very difficult). So it will be very unlikely that you’ll find five hats in a recipe. A tip or an advice will be marked with a wooden spoon. Please forgive me for using decimal units but I’m not familiar with Imperial units!
I think that’s all folks!!


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