martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


PHOTO: Lorena M.

Hi all! Today my particular photographer craved for porra antequerana. The 'porra' is a cold dish made basically of crushed tomato. It is similar to 'gazpacho' but the gazpacho is a soup while the porra has a creamy texture. It is the ‘star’ of the cuisine of Antequera (a lovely little city at the north of Málaga) and its region. At the south of Córdoba, bordering with Málaga, this dish is called ‘salmorejo’. There are some differences between salmorejo and porra but they are inappreciable (salmorejo recipe has egg and porra recipe has vinegar and green pepper). Nevertheless everytime that someone says they are the same, be prepared for a long long discussion about ethereal differences…